Your Energy Is Boundless

Micah Underwood
1 min readSep 16, 2021

You are living fully every moment.

You hurl yourself upon the cat with the same enthusiasm you display when clinging to my breast at mealtime.

You overturn your toy basket at bedtime and gleefully shake anything that makes a noise.

You haul yourself to your feet on every available surface and creep along the edges until gravity brings you to your backside. Undeterred, you begin again.

You welcome life with open arms, even when it means falling. You fling yourself into every activity with abandon because you know nothing else.

You are wholehearted. You bring your full self, even as you are discovering what that means every day. Every moment.

You are sunshine and rainclouds by turns. When you are happy, your whole face is light, and when you are sad, you turn to lines, curving downward on your eyes and cheeks and chin.

You are experiencing so much for the first time, and you are learning what you like and don’t like. You have made the house your domain, and you claim more of it every day.

You are growing and becoming and creating yourself. You are more you all the time.

You are.

